From Grandma's Desk:
On December 10, 2012 my husband Bob had double knee replacements. His knee cartilage was completely gone, he had arthritis and 3 previous knee surgeries that left scar tissue. Needless to say his knees were not operating at capacity; he had very limited range of motions, crunching and creaking when he walked, and was always in pain. He decided it was time to take action and get the surgery his doctor had recommended 5 years earlier. So as we prepared for the surgery, got the lower level of our home ready for him post surgery. I began to research essential oils that would help with his healing. I have been using a blend of oils to help with muscle cramps and swelling so I thought this would be a good base. I also wanted something that would help with the scare tissue to make his leg more flexible. This is the formula I used: In a 2 oz. bottle I filled it half way with jojoba and grapeseed oils for carrier oils.
Then I added 21 drops of cedar E.O.
33 drops of Lemongrass E.O.
12 drops Lavender E.O.
3 drops rose E.O.
3 drops tuberose E.O.
26 drops cypress E.O.
12 drops Frankencense for the scare tissue
I used this oil on the back of his legs and calves until the staples and bandages were removed. Once the staples were out I used it directly on the incision. When my husband went into the Dr office he was completely amazed at how well his scare had healed and also the noticeable lack of swelling and bruising. I will say my husband worked hard on his rehab exercises and was very good at using the oils even when I was not there to help him.