Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Natural Remedies for ear pain

From Grandma's Desk:
I first discovered that antibiotics do not always work when my infant grandson had numerous ear infections but none of the antibiotics we gave him worked. Then someone suggested we try garlic oil in his ear. Since we were desperate for a cure we tried garlic in a capsule form and dribbled a few drops in his ear and it worked! A few months after this I was at a street fair in Jacksonville, OR and I told her about my grandson and she had ear drops made from Lavender essential oil and Olive oil. I bought a bottle from her, but she was kind enough to give me her formula which was 1 part lavender essential oil to 10 parts olive oil. Use 3 drops in the affected ear twice a day until the pain is gone. This has been a tried and true formula for my family ever since. We have never had to use antibiotics for an ear infection since learning about this! The Lavender smells much better than the garlic oil too.

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